The key is to first provide useful content that informs and entertains. Secondly, it’s important to deliver it consistently to establish credibility and foster engagement.
Considering a content distribution strategy Wingkler appoints all different ways to deliver content – including social media, email, classifieds, OTA’s and on your website. We consider every aspect including audience, purpose, and business goals, and then formats and channels.
A content marketing strategy is itself an involved topic. In a nutshell, it’s a multi-layered plan that involves: content creation; deciding when, where and how to distribute content; and how to measure results.
Content marketing is more than a buzzword. It’s an important part of your hotel’s marketing strategy. Simply put, it’s the creation and distribution of valuable assets, such as videos, blog posts, and e-newsletters, as marketing tools to attract and retain customers. For hotels and other accommodation providers, these assets showcase your property’s unique story and brand.
Depending on the size of your hotel Winkler team, appoints and prepares content marketing, as a professional company we would be able to establish the requirements in making the best Marketing Content. As part of Wingkler’s inbound digital marketing campaign, content also drives traffic to your website, OTA’s, Classifieds and social media channels.